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Shark Tank India: Namita Thapar Opens Up About Failed IVF Procedures, Says 'The Memory Stayed with Me'

unknown2 years agoOriginal Story
Shark Tank India: Namita Thapar Opens Up About Failed IVF Procedures, Says 'The Memory Stayed with Me'

Businesswoman Namita Thapar shared her ordeal of undergoing two failed IVF procedures while trying to conceive for the second time during the latest episode of Shark Tank India season 2. Their deal focused on the sensitive issue of infertility that women face, as the team reveals coming up with an IUI home kit. After two attempts I gave up and said that I am happy with one child. It took her almost a decade to publicly speak about this dark chapter of her life. Just 6 months ago, she consulted with one of her medical practitioners to think if she could go public about the issue. “ In the end, the budding entrepreneurs decided to sign a deal with Namita Thapar.

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